Language Matters

The Answers You Need
How many students are in each class?
Class size varies from 1 to 6 students.
Is this course right for me?
Yes, if you want to improve your skills rapidly and use English confidently outside the classroom. Contact us for a free, no-obligation needs assessment.
Do you offer private lessons year round?
Yes, we offer tailor-made instruction for individuals and small groups in-person and online. Please contact us to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation.
Where can I stay in Santa Fe?
Santa Fe is an international tourist destination with an abundance of hotels, B & Bs, Airbnbs, to suit all budgets. For more information, visit our tourism site here..
I would like to explore New Mexico. Can you help me plan activities?
Yes. We are not a travel company but we can offer advice to help you plan your itinerary. Visit our tourism site here for ideas and information.
Can I do a homestay?
Short homestays may be possible. Please contact us for more information.
What languages do you offer?
We currently only offer English. Please contact us for a referral for Spanish (in-person or online), French and Arabic (online) instruction.
What are some transportation options?
(1) Rent a car in Albuquerque or Santa Fe
(2) Shuttle service Santa Fe Airport
(3) Shuttle service from the Albuquerque airport (Sunport): Groome Transportation
(4) Train: New Mexico Rail Runner from Albuquerque
(5) Uber
​(6) Taxi: New Mexico Black Car Service
(7) Bus within Santa Fe: Santa Fe Trails
(8) Santa Fe Pickup Shuttle (Free - downtown area, Canyon Road and Museum Hill)
What is your payment policy?
A deposit is required at registration to guarantee a place in the class. Refunds are provided at the discretion of Language Matters. The school reserves the right to cancel a class with low enrollment, and a full refund will be provided.